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Research and teaching experiences

May 2022 – Dec. 2023 | Postdoc in paleoecology at Masaryk University (Vegetation Science group, Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University, Czech Republic). Visiting scientist at Rouen University (laboratory ECODIV) from September 15th to Dec. 31st)


Oct. 2021 – Mar. 2022 | Teaching assistant in plant biology and ecology at Rouen University (Laboratoire Étude et Compréhension de la Biodiversité, ECODIV,  Rouen University, France). 192 hours of classes (see the section Teaching for more information).

2017 – Dec. 2020 | PhD in paleoclimate modelling at CEREGE (Centre for Research and Teaching in Environmental Geoscience, Aix-en-Provence, France). Director: Dr. DONNADIEU Yannick 

Project: Impacts of the Drake Passage opening, pCO2 changes, and Antarctic ice sheet formation on the evolution of global climate and oceans from the Eocene to the Oligocene.
Main activities: Analysis of paleoclimate simulation outputs performed with the general circulation model IPSL-CM5A2. Comparison to paleoclimate proxy-data (e.g., stable and radiogenic isotopes, biomarkers, vegetation-based approaches).

2017 (Jan.-May) | Internship in paleobotany at Museum of Mineralogy and Geology (Senckenberg Natural History Collections, Dresden, Germany). Supervisor: Dr. KUNZMANN Lutz.

Project: Leaf traits of Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (extinct Fagaceae species) through time: comparison of middle and late Eocene leaf litter assemblages of central German lignites.
Main activities: Fossil (macro- and micromorphological) leaf trait measurements and analysis of leaf size changes through time. Comparison and development of methods for reconstructing the intact leaf area of fragmented fossil specimens. 


2016 (Mar.-May) | Internship in paleobotany at UMR AMAP (Botany and Modelling of Plant Architecture and Vegetation, Montpellier, France). Supervisor: Dr. DECOMBEIX Anne-Laure.

Project: Early Jurassic permineralized wood from Nunatak shell, South Victoria land, Antarctica: affinities and paleoenvironmental implications.
Main activities: Preparation of silicified wood thin sections, taxonomic identification based on wood anatomy.

2014 (Jun.) | Internship at UMR GET (Geoscience Environment Toulouse, Toulouse, France). Supervisor: Dr. DERA Guillaume.

Project: Study of the diversity and disparity of belemnites during the Jurassic.
Main activities: Measurement of various belemnite rostrums characteristics and analysis of the evolution of their morphology over time and diversification/extinction episodes.

Higher education

2017 – Dec. 2020 | PhD in paleoclimate modelling at CEREGE (Centre for Research and Teaching in Environmental Geoscience, Aix-en-Provence, France). Director: Dr. DONNADIEU Yannick.

2015 – 2017 | Master of Science degree in biology: Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution at the University of Montpellier (France). Specialization in chronoenvironments and paleoecology. Obtained with honors.


2011 – 2015 | Bachelor of Science degree in Organismal Biology at the University of Toulouse (France). Specialization in plant biology. Obtained with honors.


Peer-reviewed articles

[8]. Tardif D.*, Sarr A.-C., , Fluteau F., Licht A., Kaya M., Ladant J.-B., Meijer N., Donnadieu Y., Dupont-Nivet G., Bolton C.T, Le Hir G., Pillot Q., Poblete F., Sepulchre P., Toumoulin A., Baneld W. (2023). The role of paleogeography in Asian monsoon evolution: a review and new insights from climate modelling. Earth-Science Reviews, 104464. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2023.104464

[7]. Toumoulin A.*, Decombeix A.-L.*, Harper C.J., Serbet R. (2023). Early Jurassic silicified woods from Carapace Nunatak, South Victoria Land, Antarctica. Fossil record 26(1), 103-115. DOI: 10.3897/fr.26.102570 [OA]


[6]. Müller C.*, Toumoulin A., Böttcher H., Roth-Nebelsick A., Wappler T., Kunzmann L. (2023). An integrated leaf trait analysis of two Paleogene leaf floras. PeerJ 11:e15140, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15140 [OA]


[5]. Toumoulin A.*, Tardif D., Donnadieu Y., Licht A., Ladant J.-B., Kunzmann L., Dupont-Nivet G. (2022): Evolution of continental temperature seasonality from the Eocene greenhouse to the Oligocene icehouse - A model-data comparison. Climate of the Past 18, 342-362.
DOI: 10.5194/cp-18-341-2022 [OA]


[4]. Tardif D.*, Toumoulin A., Fluteau F., Donnadieu Y., le Hir G., Barbolini N., Licht A., Ladant J.-B., Sepulchre P., Viovy N., Hoorn C., Dupont-Nivet G. (2021): Orbital variation as a major driver of climate and biome distribution during late Eocene to early Oligocene times.
Science Advances 7 (43), eabh2819. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abh2819 [OA]


[3]. Toumoulin A.*, Kunzmann L., Moraweck K., Sack L. (2020): Reconstructing leaf area from fragments: testing three methods using a fossil paleogene species. American Journal of Botany 107 (12), 1786-1797.
DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.1574 [OA]


[2]. Toumoulin A.*, Donnadieu Y., Ladant J.-B., Batenburg S.J., Poblete F., Dupont-Nivet G. (2020): Quantifying the effect of the Drake Passage opening on the Eocene Ocean. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35 (8), e2020PA003889. DOI: 10.1029/2020PA003889 [OA]


[1]. Dera G.*, Toumoulin A., de Baets K. (2016): Diversity and morphological evolution of Jurassic belemnites from South Germany. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 457, 80-97. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.05.029


Note: *corresponding authors; OA: open access

Other publications

Toumoulin A. (2021). Impacts de l'ouverture du Passage de Drake, des changements de pCO2 et de l'englacement de l'Antarctique sur l'évolution du climat et de l'océan global de l'Éocène à l'Oligocène (Doctoral dissertation, Université Aix-Marseille, France). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18123.92965.

Lacand M., Sampy T. & Toumoulin A. (2016). Évolution de la Tourbière de la Lande (Mont Caroux) et de la Végétation du Haut-Languedoc lors des 900 dernières années (étude palynologique). Orpalm synthesis* 9. DOI: [PDF]
(*Student journal – University of Montpellier, in French).


Oral presentations

Toumoulin A., Kunzmann L., Onstein R. E., Chytrý M. (2023). Fossil leaf trait variation in European assemblages during the Cenozoic.
Invited speaker at: the 52nd meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (Gesellschaft für Ökologie, GfÖ).

Toumoulin A., Champreux A., Kunzmann L., Onstein R. E., Roth-Nebelsick A., Chytrý M. (2023). A global leaf trait-based classification of vegetation to better understand fossil communities. Talk at: VIIIth Meeting of Agora Paleobotanica (Bellver de Cerdanya, Spain)

Toumoulin A. (2022). Climat : modélisation de la Transition Éocène Oligocène et travaux en cours. Talk at: Green-Ice Workshop (Gargas, France).

Toumoulin A. (2022). Multivariate analyses  & missing values in fossil leaf trait data. Talk at: Datz-Symposium  From functional traits to models (Dresden, Senckenberg Natural History Collections, Germany).

Toumoulin A., Donnadieu Y., Tardif D., Ladant J.-B., Licht A., Kunzmann L., Dupont-Nivet G. (2021). Continental temperature seasonality from Eocene Warmhouse to Oligocene Coolhouse – A model-data comparison. Talk at: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021 (virtually). [video]

Toumoulin A., Tardif D., Donnadieu Y., Licht A., Ladant J.-B., Kunzmann L., Dupont-Nivet G. (2021). Evolution of temperature seasonality from the mid-Eocene to the early Oligocene, a model-data journey. Talk at: Pal(a)eo EaRly Career Seminar (virtually). [video]

Toumoulin A., Donnadieu Y., Ladant J.-B., Batenburg S.J., Poblete F., Dupont-Nivet G. (2020). Evolution of the dynamics and properties of the Eocene global ocean, what was the contribution of the Drake Passage opening? Invited speaker at: 6th Deep-Time Model Intercomparison Project meeting (virtually). [video]

Toumoulin A., Kunzmann L., Moraweck K. (2017). Fragmented fossil leaves, how to deal with? A methodological and palaeoecological study through the middle and late Eocene of central Germany. Talk at: Vth Meeting of Agora Paleobotanica (Montpellier, France).

Poster presentations

Toumoulin A., Donnadieu Y., Ladant J.-B., Poblete F., Dupont-Nivet G. (2019). Modelling the Eocene greenhouse climate sensitivity to pCO2 changes, toward a better understanding of the Eocene-Oligocene Transition. Poster at: 13th International Conference on Paleoceanography (Sydney, Australia).

Toumoulin A., Donnadieu Y., Batenburg S.J., Ladant J.-B., Poblete F., Dupont-Nivet G. (2019). Revisiting the impact of the Drake Passage opening on ocean circulation and Eocene climate-A model study with paleo-friendly conditions. Poster at:  Congrès de l’EDSE 2019 (Marseille, France).

Toumoulin A., Donnadieu Y., Ladant J.-B., Poblete F., Dupont-Nivet G. (2018). The Drake Passage opening and its effects: an old friend with a new insight. Poster at: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 (Vienna, Austria).


Toumoulin A., Decombeix A.-L., Harper C.J., Serbet R. & Taylor E.L. (2016). Early Jurassic permineralised woods from Carapace Nunatak, South Victoria Land, Antarctica: affinities and paleoenvironmental implications. Poster at: the XIV International Palynological Congress and X International Organisation of Paleobotany conference (Salvador, Brazil).

Organized symposiums/sessions, chairs

Jul. 2024 | XX International Botanical Congress (Madrid, Spain): co-organizing a session «The origin and evolution of modern plant diversity: insights from multiple disciplines».
With Tao SU (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Alexandra MUELLNER-RIEHL (Univerity of Leipzig), and Gaurav SRIVASTAVA (Government of India).

Dec. 2023 |Co-organizing a workshop: "Evidence and drivers of global plant modernization - A macroevolution workshop"

With Lutz KUNZMANN (Senckenberg Natural History Collections, Dresden), Shufeng LI (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Alexandra MUELLNER-RIEHL (Univerity of Leipzig), and Gaurav SRIVASTAVA (Government of India), and Tao SU (Chinese Academy of Sciences).

May 2023 | Palaeontological Virtual Congress IV Co-organizing a session for early career scientists in paleobotany/paleoecology)
With Aixa Tosal and Anne-Laure Decombeix (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris; UMR AMAP, Montpellier).

Nov. 2022 | NECLIME conference Chair of a session on Paleogene fossil leaves from India (invitation by Angela Bruch, Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main).

2022 | Datz-Symposium: "From functional traits to models" – An interdisciplinary perspective on structure, functioning, and evolution of ecosystems in deep-time, Dresden, Germany, May 17-19, 2022 (1st circular).

Co-organizing the meeting with Christian MÜLLER and D. MANTZOUKA (Senckenberg Natural History Collections, Dresden).

Review activity

Paleoceanography & Paleoclimatology (2), Earth-Science Reviews (1), Geophysical Research Letters (1)

Feel free to contact me for paleoclimatology and/or paleoecology studies based on proxies or models.


2021 – Tilly Edinger Travel Grant to attend the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021, Time Scavengers Project (

2017 – Prix Boureau for the talk « Fragmented fossil leaves, how to deal with? », Vth meeting of Agora Paleobotanica.

2017 – Merit scholarship for the Master’s thesis, University of Montpellier International Relationships Department.

Language, software and other skills


Language: French (first language), English (C1), German (A2).

Software: R, Ferret, Qgis, Adobe Illustrator

Other: European first aid certificate +

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